This mornings lunar eclipse, the second of a tetrad occurred between 5am and 7am. A tetrad is somewhat of a rare occurance, made up of a series of four lunar eclipses. As the Earth, Moon and Sun line up in such a way that causes the Moon to pass through the Earth's shadow with the sun on the complete other side of the Earth. While the direct light from the Sun is blocked, some passes through Earths atmosphere and causes the reddish hue of the "Blood Moon." This tetrad has received alot of attention because the eclipse dates of April 14th, 2014 - October 8th, 2014 - April 4th, 2015 - September 28th, 2015 are the start dates of the Jewish holidays of Passover and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Previous tetrads have coincided with historic events.
- 32-33 A.D.~ the supposed crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus
- 1493-1494 ~ the Spanish Inquisition (expulsion of Jews) and discovery of the New World
- 1949-1950 ~ the creation of the State of Israel
- 1967-1968 ~ the Six Day War, Israel emerges victorious against extreme odds
Mere coincidence and statistical probability bring these historic and celestial events mingle, but the Blood Moon definitely makes for a nice visual to bring in the holidays.
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